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Do you want responsive government? Do you worry about the threat of unnecessary, costly and intrusive regulations? Do you wish our political leaders better understood your needs and interests? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then support CAWG's Political Action Committee (CAWG PAC).

As a winegrape grower, your daily priorities are your vineyard and winegrape production, not state and federal legislative issues. However, elected officials make many decisions on issues that affect your business.

It’s critical for CAWG to be able to identify

and financially support those elected officials and candidates who understand and can help the winegrape community. CAWG’s State and Federal PACs strengthen our professional and grassroots advocacy programs to inform legislators on important issues. A strong CAWG PAC funding is imperative to our political agenda and goals.

The ability to support our rural and urban friends in their campaigns is critical to the overall success of our political action on behalf of California winegrape growers.

Your CAWG PAC contribution makes a difference and enhances CAWG’s influence on your behalf in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.



Growing winegrapes is a risky proposition. Each year growers confront new and changing circumstances: weather, pests, labor availability and volatile markets. Growers overcome these challenges by working hard, and through continual learning and adaptation. So how can growers adapt to California’s ever shifting political climate? By taking action and joining the Century Club.

The Century Club is an exclusive way to support the California Association of Winegrape Growers’ Political Action Committee. You become a member of the Century Club when you make an annual contribution of $1,000 or more to CAWG PAC. Your contribution lends winegrape growers a powerful and enduring voice in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. The generous contributions of growers like you to Century Club support candidates who are willing to hear growers’ concerns and who want a brighter economic future for California.

PAC Contribution Limitations

Contributions to CAWG’s State PAC are limited to $7,000 per calendar year per contributor. The limit includes both monetary contributions and donated items (at fair market value). Funds will be used to make political contributions to state candidates, and for other political purposes. Contributions shall be voluntary, non-tax deductible, and you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. All funds are deposited to our State PAC Account, unless instructed otherwise. Please note: Federal PAC check must be received from private funds.

We encourage you to take action and support the CAWG PAC.

Click here to download the CAWG PAC form for state and/or federal membership. Follow the instructions on the bottom of the form on how to return the completed document to the CAWG office.